

Manage multiple business Categories

Whether you’re running a restaurant, grocery store, pharmacy, or another business, Zapnow’s single app handles it all. Our comprehensive platform, including a robust POS solution for online ordering and groceries, streamlines your operations and boosts efficiency

Skyrocket sales with Zapnow's robust CRM campaign management.

Ready to boost sales and strengthen customer relationships in under a minute? Zapnow empowers you to effortlessly craft compelling messages, target specific customer segments, and schedule unlimited campaigns with precise timing. Take control of your business growth today!

Loyalty Program Management

Reward points are a powerful tool for driving repeat business and building strong customer relationships. Our POS solution simplifies loyalty program management by enabling you to effortlessly distribute rewards, incentivize purchases, and foster brand engagement. Experience increased customer satisfaction and long-term revenue growth with Zapnow.

Offer Personalized discounts and coupons.

Offer personalized discounts and coupons to provide a tailored shopping experience for each of your customers. Offering discounts and coupons based on individual preferences, purchase history, and behaviour will show your customers that you understand their needs and value their loyalty. This not only enhances their shopping experience but also strengthens the bond between your brand and the customer, leading to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Additionally, personalized discounts and coupons can incentivize customers to make purchases, boost sales, and drive revenue for your business.